political leanings of well-known
        online news sites


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Below is a limited listing of well-known online news sites and the political leaning with which they are thought to be associated, as referenced by various sources. Note that not all online sites are represented in this trump-news-history collection (leaving it open for your own internet searches). This site simply includes real news which is in some way Trump-related,  without first checking for political leaning.

The takeaway from this listing: Each of us as thoughtful Americans has a responsibility to be able to weed out those news articles displaying un-American values ... particularly those which carry information which is not vetted.

Also see search page for "fake news" link, which describes how to decipher fake news from real news, an effort which is more and more being taught to young children in America's schools.

Note that a political designation noted below is not proof ... many websites and/or articles may teeter between  conservative, liberal, and non-partisan. And something else to watch for: Some news sites appear to purposely omit news details which help explain a story, leading readers to assume they are either conservative or liberal when in fact the organization is just the opposite. Or they may indulge in hostile partisan rhetoric some of the time and not at other times. Getting our news from more than one organization helps us determine fact from fiction.

ABC - middle of the road

Al Jazeera America - liberal

American Catholic
     Quarterly review
- conservative

American Conservative - conservative

BBC - liberal

Blaze - conservative

Bloomberg - middle of the road

Buzzfeed - liberal

CBS - middle of the road

CNN - moderate liberal

City Journal - conservative

Colbert Report - liberal

Daily Show - liberal

Dartmouth Review - conservative

Drudge Report - conservative

Economist - middle of the road

Factcheck.org - non-partisan

Federalist - conservative

Fox Real News - middle of the road

Fox Opinion "News" - "far right   

Google - middle of the road

Guardian - liberal

Harvard Salient - conservative

Hill, The - non-partisan

Huffington Post - middle of the road

Investor's Bs. Daily - conservative

Jewish World Review - conservative

Mexico News Daily - left center

Military Times - conservative

Mother Jones - liberal

MSNBC - moderate liberal

Nation, The - left

National Review - conservative

NBC - middle of the road

Newsmax - conservative

New Yorker - liberal

New York Times - liberal

NPR - liberal

PBS - moderate liberal

Pew Research - non-partisan

Politico - liberal

Politifact - non-partisan

Rockford Institute - conservative

Slate - liberal

Snopes.com - non-partisan

Stanford Review - conservative

USA Today - moderate liberal

Vice News - left center

Wall Street Journal - mid conservative

Washington Post - liberal

Washington Times - conservative

Weekly Standard - conservative

Yahoo - middle of the road

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