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Jump to: 2017; 2018; 2019;
-- 2016 --
December 27: Electoral integrity in all 50
US states, ranked by experts
... the issue of gerrymandered district boundaries, regarded by experts as the
worst aspect of US voting procedures, was never seriously debated during the
campaign. The practice ensures that representatives are returned time and again
based on mobilizing the party faithful, without having to appeal more broadly to
constituents across the aisle, which in turn exacerbates the bitter partisanship
that plagues American politics.
-- 2017 --
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January 20:
Can gerrymandering explain Trump's
victory in the 2016 US Presidential Election?
January 31: Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Is
Payoff to the Religious Right
Judge Neil Gorsuch is enthusiastically pro-life and conservative on all other
issues near and dear to evangelicals who held their noses and elected Trump.
March 1: Barack Obama
Is Returning to Politics to Address Gerrymandering
May 19: How GOP gerrymandering is protecting
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June 25:
AP analysis shows how
gerrymandering benefited GOP in 2016
The analysis found four times as many states with
Republican-skewed state House or Assembly districts than Democratic ones
July 15: Rep. Martha McSally reveals her
uncomfortable position in the Trump era ... She complained about gerrymandering
in Arizona, saying her district is one of the only competitive districts in the
state, and noting that Tucson Democratic Rep. Raúl Grijalva doesn’t have to
worry about a Republican taking his seat.
“The Republicans are never going to take him out of his district because this
district is like a (Democrat) plus fifty district right now. This is not an
She acknowledged that Republicans have strongholds in other districts,
specifically pointing to Reps. Trent Franks and David Schweikert.
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July 17:
decade, states will be strapped for funding in these areas.
And that is likely to happen if Republicans in Congress get their way. Under
cover of the non-stop Trump circus, they are quietly working behind the
scenes to ensure that the 2020 census fails – and fails to their advantage.
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August 7: The Congressional Map Has A
Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats ... And it’s not just 2018.
August 15:
Justice Kennedy will take
centre stage during the Supreme Court’s upcoming term
Disputes over gerrymandering, gay rights and Donald
Trump’s travel ban may hinge on his vote
August 16: Court Rules Texas Gerrymandering
Discriminatory (Again)
September 19:
Momentum Builds Against
Gerrymandering. In the past month some Republicans have broken ranks — from
Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) to former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger — to
speak out about the breakdown in national politics mostly caused by GOP
gerrymandering of congressional districts.
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September 19: Former solicitor general: We
tolerate partisan lawmakers, so why not partisan gerrymandering?
October 3: In a case from Wisconsin that
could reshape the way American elections are conducted, the Supreme Court
heard from challengers that it was the “only institution in the United
States” that could prevent a coming wave of extreme partisan gerrymandering that
would distort the basic structure of democracy.
October 4: How gerrymandering got its name
Gerrymandering is why election maps across the country can look so crazy.
Politicians manipulate boundaries to favor one party or another.
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October 27: Yes, US elections are rigged –
but not in the way Donald Trump thinks
November 3: States Watch As Supreme Court
Weighs Wisconsin Gerrymandering Case
November 6: GOP to fight anti-gerrymandering
ballot proposal
November 16: Once again, Michigan Dems
receive more votes in the State House, but Republicans hold onto power
In 2014 and 2016, Democrats received more votes or nearly split the tally in the
State House races, yet Republicans hold a huge 63-47 majority and push a deeply
conservative agenda that a majority of voters don't want.
How could that be? That's classic gerrymandering.
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November 17: Wisconsin awaits Supreme
Court's ruling in gerrymandering case
November 21: How Trump’s New Census Nominee
Could Rig Future Elections
One expert says that Thomas
Brunell’s appointment “signals an effort by the administration to politicize”
the decennial survey.
December 26: How to Conquer Partisan
GERRYMANDERING has long been reviled for thwarting the will of the voters.
Yet while voters are acting disgusted, the US Supreme Court has only discussed
acting — declaring they have the constitutional right to fix the problem, but
doing nothing.
-- 2018 --
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January 2: Trump’s Pick to Run 2020 Census
Has Defended Racial Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Laws
The census will determine redistricting and voting rights enforcement.
January 4: Redistricting Cases Could
Redefine State and U.S. Politics in 2018 ... More than a dozen cases on partisan
and racial gerrymandering are winding their way through the court system. Two
cases, in particular, could become two of the most important this decade.
January 4: How to Stop a Trump Supreme Court
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January 7: The gerrymandering cases to watch
in 2018
January 10: Federal court voids North
Carolina’s GOP-drawn congressional map for partisan gerrymandering
January 11:
Thanks to the ruling of federal Judge James A Wynn Jr, North
Carolina has joined a growing number of states in hot water over partisan
gerrymandering. That may seem like dull
stuff in the age of Trump, but
gerrymandering is one of the oldest and most
powerful tools in politics.
January 12:
Supreme Court to hear Texas case on
racial gerrymandering
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January 12: The way state legislatures draw
election districts for political gain is coming to dominate the Supreme Court's
The justices agreed Friday to hear two cases challenging congressional and state
legislative districts in Texas, adding them to ones already pending from
Wisconsin and Maryland. Other cases are brewing in North Carolina and
The Texas lawsuits involve more traditional challenges to the use of race in
drawing district lines, something the high court deals with perennially from
states with a history of violating the 1968 Voting Rights Act. By contrast, the
Wisconsin and Maryland cases allege excessive political gerrymandering --
designing districts to benefit one party over the other.
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January 12: Republican lawmakers are
appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court to block the ruling this week that struck
down North Carolina’s congressional districts – at least temporarily – and they
want an answer by Jan. 22.
Phil Strach, the Raleigh-based attorney representing Republican lawmakers in the
partisan gerrymandering case, stated in his 22-page request for an emergency
stay on the order issued Tuesday that a three-judge panel “has used an entirely
novel legal theory to hopelessly disrupt North Carolina’s upcoming congressional
January 16: The U.S. Supreme Court Won't
Hear Texas' Partisan Gerrymandering Case
The U.S. Supreme Court announced today it won’t be hearing a challenge to the
state’s political maps from the Texas Democratic Party. In a lawsuit, Democrats
claimed state lawmakers drew political boundaries in 2011 in favor of
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The Supreme Court dismissed the Democrats' appeal on the grounds their arguments
weren't presented properly. Part of what justices were asked to consider is
whether a lower court made a mistake by dismissing Democrats' partisan
gerrymandering claims “without discovery and an evidentiary record," but the
high court declined to weigh in.
“Today, the Supreme Court ruled that it does not presently have jurisdiction to
hear a partisan gerrymander claim under the unique posture of this complex
case," Hinojosa said. "Nonetheless, we anticipate an upcoming opportunity to
continue our pursuit of justice for Texas voters."
January 18: The Supreme Court has blocked a
lower court's order requiring North Carolina's legislature to redraw the state's
congressional district boundaries for this year's elections.
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The justices appear to have split, 7-2, in deciding to put on hold
the ruling that tossed out the state's map as "an unconstitutional partisan
gerrymander" in favor of Republicans. The map will likely remain in effect for
the 2018 midterm elections.
January 22: Pennsylvania’s gerrymandered
House map was just struck down — with huge implications for 2018 ... It was one
of the most pro-Republican gerrymanders in the country.
January 22: Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has
ruled on Monday that the heavily gerrymandered districts in their state violated
the commonwealth's constitution.
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One noteworthy detail regarding the gerrymandering case is that, because the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court found it to be in violation of the state constitution
rather than the United States Constitution, the Pennsylvania Republican Party
will have no
recourse to the United States Supreme Court. They will be legally compelled
to redraw the state's 18 congressional districts so they will have fairer
January 26:
The Gerrymandering Fight
Heats Up
February 1: N.C. has the worst gerrymander
in US history.
... a three-judge federal court ruled the redistricting work of the North
Carolina General Assembly to be a knowing, intentional and hugely impactful
violation of the U.S. Constitution. This time the court struck down the
apportionment of our federal congressional districts as an impermissible,
extreme, partisan political gerrymander – designed, admittedly and successfully,
to entrench Republicans in power and handicap their adversaries.
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February 2: Gerrymandering and How to Fix
The Supreme Court announced that it will hear a second case this term to
determine whether partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional. In both Gill
v. Whitford and Benisek v. Lamone, the state’s majority party is
accused of redrawing a voting district or districts to undermine the minority
party. A decision in both cases could reshape how elections are conducted.
February 5: Supreme Court declines request
from Pennsylvania GOP to stop redistricting
The ruling will have massive ramifications for the 2018 midterm elections, where
Republicans' control of the US House is on the line and Democrats are targeting
a handful of GOP-held seats in Pennsylvania.
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February 6: GOP state lawmaker seeks to
impeach judges after Pa. gerrymandering ruling
February 13: Pennsylvania’s top court was
set to lay out new congressional voting districts for the state after Democratic
Governor Tom Wolf on Tuesday rejected a version drawn by Republican legislative
leaders as unfairly skewed in their party’s favor.
February 20: Court releases new Pennsylvania
congressional maps, could help Democrats ... in a swing state [Pennsylvania]
where Republicans hold 13 House seats to Democrats' five, the balance appears
all but certain to tip in Democrats' direction.
February 20: How the Trump administration’s
scheme to rig the census threatens American democracy
In his first year in office, Donald Trump and his administration have launched a
daunting number of direct and open attacks on long-respected American rights and
immigrants, the
health care,
transgender rights in the military, and much else. But there have been
other, indirect and behind-the-scenes attacks, too, which may be no less
damaging to the United States in the long term.
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Perhaps the most critical of these is aimed at the census. Under Article I,
Section 2 of the Constitution, “the whole number of persons in each State” must
be counted “every … ten years.”
February 20: Trump Advocates for Good
Old-Fashioned Gerrymandering
On Monday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court released a
new state Congressional map that is far more favorable to Democrats than the
old, egregiously gerrymandered version.
On Tuesday morning, Trump rather predictably expressed his disdain for this
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On Twitter: Hope Republicans in the Great State of Pennsylvania challenge the new “pushed”
Congressional Map, all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary. Your Original
was correct! Don’t let the Dems take elections away from you so that they can
raise taxes & waste money!
February 20
March 9: A panel of three federal judges
heard arguments on Friday in the latest attempt by Pennsylvania Republicans to
block a court-imposed map of voting districts that could boost Democrats’
chances of winning control of the U.S. Congress this year.
The court was expected to rule quickly given the March 20 deadline for
candidates to file to run for Congress.
March 19: Supreme Court Delivers Blow To
Republicans, Declines To Take Up Pa. Redistricting
The decision means Republicans have few, if any, options remaining to try to
stem a map that will almost certainly result in Democrats picking up potentially
three or four seats and could make half a dozen or more competitive.
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Tuesday is the filing deadline for candidates for Pennsylvania's May 15
Last month, the Supreme Court also declined to block the state court decision
that said the old GOP-drawn map violated the Pennsylvania Constitution.
March 27: Supreme Court takes new look at
partisan gerrymandering
At issue: How much partisanship is too much in a process that has always been
manipulated by political parties in the majority?
June 18: The U.S. Supreme Court cast doubt
on the ability of voters to challenge statewide maps for being excessively
partisan, siding with Republicans in a fight over GOP-friendly voting lines for
the Wisconsin Assembly.
"Partisan gerrymandering injures enough individuals and organizations in enough
concrete ways to ensure that standing requirements, properly applied, will not
often or long prevent courts from reaching the merits of cases like this one,"
Kagan [Justice Elena Kagan] wrote. "Or from insisting, when they do, that
partisan officials stop degrading the nation’s democracy."
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Roberts [Chief Justice John Roberts] said the court would "leave for another day
consideration of other possible theories of harm not presented here."
June 18: Supreme Court opts not to decide
gerrymandering cases
Monday's rulings will not
have major implications for claims of gerrymandering in other states --
North Carolina, Texas, Ohio, Michigan and Virginia -- where legislatures
controlled by one party have drawn new district lines.
District lines can still be changed in time for the 2020 elections if the
Supreme Court takes up the issue next term.
August 27: A panel of three federal judges
in North Carolina ruled Monday the state's congressional map is an
unconstitutional partisan gerrymander that favors Republicans, and said it may
require districts to be redrawn before the November elections.
Republicans hold 10 of the state's 13 seats in the House of Representatives, and
a redrawn map could put more seats in play for Democrats -- potentially
affecting control of the House.
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The judges acknowledged primary elections have already occurred, but said they
were reluctant to let voting take place in districts that courts twice found had
been unconstitutionally drawn.
The same decision was reached by the court in January, but the Supreme Court
declined in June to hear the case and it was sent back for reconsideration. The
Supreme Court has never ruled a partisan gerrymander to be unconstitutional,
September 4:
The next decade is on the ballot in 2018
To reverse Republican gerrymandering, Democrats must win key races this fall.
October 13: What comes next in the fight
against partisan gerrymandering
November 6: Extreme Gerrymandering Could
Still Stymie the Blue Wave
-- 2019 --
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May 24:
The Supreme Court on Friday set aside two lower court rulings
tossing out congressional maps in Michigan and Ohio, putting the process of
redrawing district lines on hold while it prepares to rule on whether or not
partisan gerrymandering is constitutional.
Republicans in both Midwestern states had appealed lower-court rulings that
their congressional maps had been drawn so egregiously to favor the GOP that
they violated the constitutional rights of voters. The Supreme Court already
heard arguments in partisan gerrymandering cases from Maryland and North
Carolina — and the high court is expected to render a decision next month that
could decide what happens in Michigan and Ohio as well.
-- 2020 --
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